Sunday, 21 November 2010

November Bass

As we get nearer the winter months one of the last things on our minds is to stroll out onto the wind beaten shore lines and dip our toes into the water, or is it?

For us anglers it isn't the best time, but, with a little patience and determination you could pull something worth the wait out of the water! As the water temperature cools most "summer" species tend to leave the shores and head to deeper water. Those included are the mighty mackerel and red crab. However, it's not all doom and gloom as the "Winter" species start to make their move in. This means cod will work close to the shore offering great fishing for shore anglers alike. But what about the bass, are they still around? YES! You can say goodbye to the schoolies though. All that's left are the larger bass. Were talking 4 pound and above. Sounds good eh? Well it dose sound good but, were faced with a problem. Seeing as their numbers are low finding them can be a problem. It's a matter of knowledge and being in the right place at the right time and if you have that knowledge you will/should be in that place at that time!

Nov 2nd 4lbs 5 Ounces
For me it's all about the location (as is most fishing) However, fishing can throw up allot of surprises! Hence why I like to say "Everything you know about fishing is known as (Generally)" You can't guarantee anything. OK, so the hunt for bass is on. As for times? Get up early or go to bed late. They feed more productively at night so it would make sense to fish for them at dawn and dusk. Allot of anglers will say that you will only catch bass when waves are about. That is part true because it stirs up the shore line, digging out crabs, sand eels, razor fish etc. Creating a buffet for almost all predatory fish.You can see it in action sometimes when you see birds on the surface of the water in huge groups. What if there are no waves? Don't worry. They are still around. Things just get a little harder. Try the very tips of coasts. When fish search for food they will have to pass this spot to get to other coves, beaches etc. So starting there could land you amongst the fish. If you have the time. Fish the tide moving in, placing your lures right in amongst rocky ledges and sand banks. As the bass come in looking for food, your lure is conveniently placed right on their plate.

Hopefully this will help you beat those winter time bass blues.

Tight Lines, Kirk

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